Hamilton Grove HOA
Hamilton Grove is located in Charleston, SC.
The Hamilton Grove community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us at HOA@Hamiltongrove.net with your comments and suggestions.
Hamilton Grove is managed by Ravenel Associates, Inc.
960 Morrison Drive, #100
Charleston, SC 29403
843-768-9480, ext. 3907
Direct Line: 843-266-3907
Our Association Manager is Leann Miller
Your Hamilton Grove Board of Directors are:
Linda Heller - President
Dore Carlo - VP/Secretary
Rusty Akers - Treasurer
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Board at hoa@hamiltongrove.net, or Leann Miller at LMiller@ravenelassociates.com 
You may visit www.RavenelAssociates.com to view your Assocation account or to answer any additional questions you may have.
Neighboorhood News
2023 Annual Assessment
The new Annual Assessment  for 2023 is $535.00 per year.
Click on Ravenel Associates Link Below
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Maintenance of your home
Please take the time to inspect your home and lot for any necessary upkeep.
This includes pressure washing your home, painting your shutters, repairing your fence, painting or replacing your mailbox post, as well as the necessary landscape upkeep.
 Letters have gone out about freshening up your mailbox posts.  Paint colors are Black or Charleston Green.  If you need to replace the mailbox post, there is an approved vendor for the replacement of the post.  All mailbox posts must match within the community.
Approved Mailbox posts can be obtained at:
Take the time to look at your home and lot, this will help avoid receiving any unnecessary reminder letters.  If you receive a letter and are in the process of getting the work scheduled, please reach out to Ravenel to make them aware.
Hamilton Grove Homeowners' Association
Hamilton Grove is managed by Ravenel Associates, Inc.
960 Morrison Drive, #100
Charleston, SC 29403
843-768-9480, ext. 3907
Direct Line: 843-266-3907
Our Association Manager is Leann Miller
Your Hamilton Grove Board of Directors are:
  • Linda Heller - President
  • Dore Carlo - VP/Secretary
  • Rusty Akers - Treasurer
Please use the "contact us" form to contact the board of directors.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Board at hoa@hamiltongrove.net, or Leann. 

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